Friday, February 15, 2019

Don’t Overlook Your Receding Gums

Having healthy gums is paramount to your overall oral health. Gums are the support system needed for your teeth to grow and remain in place. So, when your gums start receding, that’s not a good sign. It’s important you make it to your dentist office in Powell whenever you notice that your gums are sore, inflamed, bleeding, or receding away from your teeth.

What is Gum Recession?

In most cases, gum recession is caused by gum disease. Gum disease is the deterioration of your gums over time. This condition can be triggered by hormonal changes (including fluctuations during pregnancy), lifestyle habits, or oral piercings. Poor hygiene practices, periodontal disease, and tobacco use can also lead to gum recession. 

Each of those factors damages gum health and issues with your mouth’s soft tissues. If you have receding gums, you will notice that the margin of the gum tissue that surrounds the teeth pulls back, exposing more of the tooth or even the tooth root. When you have pockets or gaps between the gum line and your teeth, you’re leaving bacteria free to build up and attack your teeth. 

Why is Gum Recession a Big Problem?

Gum recession occurs gradually, so it’s an easy problem to overlook or not notice until it’s too far along to reverse with professional cleanings and a comprehensive oral hygiene routine. 

Signs of gum recession include tooth sensitivity or that your tooth looks longer than normal. You may also feel like your gums are sensitive to the touch, feel that hot or cold affects your oral comfort, and notice your gums bled and appear red. The longer it goes unnoticed, the more possible it is for you to develop gum disease or other oral ailments. As your gums deteriorate, your teeth may be weakened, and you could end up losing teeth. 

How Can You Cure It?

With the help of Infinite Smiles, you can correct gum recession before it becomes a serious issue. Through gum grafting, pinhole surgery, or pocket reduction surgery, you can eliminate gum disease. 

Gum grafting involves taking healthy tissue and covering the tooth root. Once the tissue heals, it merges with the existing tissue to boost your gum health. 

With pocket reduction surgery, any infection that has invaded your gum’s pockets is removed, which enables your gums to reattach naturally. 

The Chao Pinhole® Surgical Technique is a quick, less invasive procedure. A small pinhole is made within the gums before manipulating the soft tissue to a more convenient location. Surgery can be completed within 30 minutes, there is no bleeding and no scalpels are used during the procedure. 

If you have receding gums, visit your Infinite Smiles dentist in Powell, Ohio to correct this issue before it worsens. 

Infinite Smiles offers a level of care and expertise like no one else. Dr. Neal Patel travels the world teaching other dentists how to use the latest dental technology. They are more than experts, they will also make sure you are comfortable. Let Infinite Smiles help you move towards the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted. Don’t wait to take that first step toward the smile you have always wanted. Call us today at 740-881-2600 or use our online form to schedule an appointment. 


Thursday, February 14, 2019

What is the Process of Getting Dental Implants?

With millions of Americans suffering tooth loss due to decay, periodontal disease, or some other issue, the need for tooth replacement treatments is increasing. Considering that dentures, the usual go-to solution for tooth loss, can be uncomfortable to wear and a hassle to maintain, more people are opting for dental implants instead. These are replacement tooth roots offering a firm base for replacement teeth that are made to match your natural teeth. 

Here is an explanation of what dental implants are and how to know if they’re right for you. 

How Do Dental Implants Work? 

As mentioned, dental implants are new tooth roots used to provide a foundation for fixed or removable replacement teeth. These replacement roots are made from titanium and are surgically implanted into the jawbone beneath the jawline. After the implants heal and solidify to the jaw, your dentist in Powell, Ohio will fit you for replacement teeth. Unlike dentures, these fake teeth don’t come loose. Furthermore, as opposed to bridges, dental implants aren’t anchored to other teeth, which improves complete oral health over time. 

These metal-sourced implants are secure and because they fuse with your jawbone, implants provide stable support for your new teeth. That helps with speaking and eating, which can both be difficult with loose dentures or bridges.

Implant surgery may require several procedures. You’ll have to undergo the implant surgery first, then be fitted for fake teeth, and then have them installed. A thorough dental exam, including X-rays and models of your teeth, will be done beforehand. You should also make your doctors aware of any medication you’re taking of if you have other implants.

When Should You Get Implants?

Patients typically get dental implants for one of the following reasons: 

  • Broken or cracked teeth
  • One or many missing teeth
  • Bone loss 
  • An infection due to missing or damaged teeth

If you have missing teeth, they can cause your jawbone to deteriorate and lose strength, affecting your smile. The longer you wait to replace the teeth, the less likely your jawbone will be able to support them. Replacements will keep the surrounding teeth from shifting. Unevenness in your teeth makes it difficult to brush effectively and causes your face to sag or sink inward. 

If you have healthy gums and enough bone to support dental implants, you can likely get implant surgery right away. But if you require bone grafting or another procedure beforehand, your procedure may be delayed. 

If you’re concerned about your oral health and want to know if dental implants are right for you, contact Infinite Smiles. Our team would be glad to help you find the right dental solution!

Infinite Smiles offers a level of expertise and care like no one else. Dr. Neal Patel travels the world teaching other dentists how to use the latest dental technology. They are more than experts, they will also make sure that you are comfortable. Let Infinite Smiles help you move towards the beautiful smiles you have always wanted. Don’t wait to take that first step towards the smile you have always wanted. Call us today at 740-881-2600 or use our online form to schedule an appointment.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Get Your Dream Smile Sooner with Six Month Smiles

Braces can be a real hassle considering the many check-ups, the wire tightenings, the discomfort, the lifestyle changes, and most of all, the length of time it takes to get that perfect smile. These factors are why so many adults are hesitant to go to an orthodontist to straighten their teeth. 

With Six Month Smiles, you can avoid the extensive, drawn-out process of traditional braces and opt for a shorter-term solution without compromising your oral health or results. Infinite Smiles can help you get a straighter smile. We are conveniently located in Powell, Ohio. Six Month Smiles is one of the best alternative options for adult braces.

What is Six Month Smiles? 

Considering that metal braces can take 18–24 months (or more) to straighten out teeth, many people choose not to straighten their teeth or seek less noticeable alternatives like Invisalign. Infinite Smiles understands how tough this decision can be when weighing all the factors, including costs. 

Using Six Month Smiles, you can receive short-term braces that are more subtle than regular braces and will help you achieve a better smile within a few months. 

The Six Month Smiles initiative focuses on nearly invisible teeth alignment using a simpler brace design that’s easy to manage. Typical braces have metallic wires and brackets, which can be awkward for adults to get used to or feel confident with.

The braces from Six Month Smiles have clear brackets and white wires that are the color of natural teeth, reducing the amount and appearance of metal in your mouth. They fit with your teeth’s natural color and are hard to detect, so people will hardly notice that you have braces on!

What Are the Benefits of Six Month Smiles? 

You’re assured a speedier treatment time when straightening your teeth with Six Month Smiles because these braces only target the front teeth. By fixing the crooked front teeth, you will achieve the more attractive smile you’ve been wanting. 

You’ll also be spending less money because you’ll spend much less time with braces in your mouth. Eating and drinking become less taxing with short-term braces, and it is ideal for both hygiene and aesthetics. While using Six Month Smiles your self-confidence won’t be impacted, and you’ll get that beautiful smile sooner! 

Infinite Smiles offers a level of expertise and care like no one else. Dr. Nel Patel travels the world teaching other dentists how to use the latest dental technology. They are more than experts, they will also make sure you are comfortable. Let Infinite Smiles help you move towards the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted. Don’t wait to take that first step towards the smile you’ve always wanted. Call us today at 740-881-2600 or use our online form to schedule an appointment.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Restore Your Health with Bone Grafting Oral Surgery

When you hear bone grafting oral surgery, it sounds intimidating. The truth is, it’s a minor procedure that a qualified oral surgeon in Powell can complete, and it doesn’t take a lot of time. When your jawbone needs repair or restoration, bone grafting is a reliable surgery used to treat injuries, extractions, or gum disease. Infinite Smiles recommends that you consider these factors regarding bone grafting as a way to treat the discomfort or misalignment of your jaw. 

What is Bone Grafting? 

Also known as regenerative surgery, bone grafting is an oral surgery used to build up bone structure when you have missing teeth. It is primarily used when preparing patients for dental implants. 

Once you’ve lost teeth, the jawbone recedes, leading to a weakened mouth structure from the tooth to the gums. Bone grafting not only restores the bone itself but the bones surrounding the gum. Once that restoration takes place, the jawbone has enough sturdiness to hold the titanium-based dental implants. From there, the new set of teeth can be installed without issue. 

How is Bone Grafting Completed?

The procedure usually includes harvesting bone material from another part of your jaw or body and transplanting it into the jawbone. This bone can be taken from your hip or tibia. In some cases, an oral surgeon may obtain bone from a cadaver source or animal source to replace the bone. It usually takes months for the transplanted bone to grow enough new bone so that dental implants can be supported. 

After implant surgery, you can expect a few months to fully heal. But you’ll have a vastly improved jaw and smile. Implants are built from strong metal, so they can last a lifetime.

Following the oral surgery, you may experience typical discomfort in the early stages such as gum or skin swelling, bruising, or minor bleeding. Furthermore, you might get diet instructions, such as eating soft food while the mouth heals. 

While the procedure itself is considered minor, it should only be performed by a well-trained and well-practiced professional. 

Infinite Smiles offers a level of expertise and care like no one else. Dr. Neal Patel travels the world teaching other dentists how to use the latest dental technology. They are more than experts, they will also make sure you are comfortable. Let Infinite Smiles help you move towards the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted. Don’t wait to take that first step towards the smile you have always wanted. Call us today at 740-881-2600 or use our online form to schedule an appointment. 


It’s Never Too Late to Get Your Beautiful Smile

With 2019 in full swing, you need to start the year off right and book that dentist appointment you’ve been avoiding. Whether you just need a cleaning or something more involved like dental implants, Infinite Smiles has the procedures and expertise to help you! As a top dentist in Powell, Ohio, Dr. Patel has the experience and practice with high-tech tools to fix any smile. Our team is dedicated to giving our patients the care they need.

Why Choose Infinite Smiles? 

At this Powell dentist office, you get various services to enhance your oral hygiene. We provide cosmetic dentistry procedures such as veneers, dental implants, or complete smile makeovers. If you need to get braces but can’t bear the extensive metal or awkward aesthetics, you can invest in Six Month Smiles. We can arrange appointments for short-term braces solutions that get you the perfect smile sooner. 

We also treat patients who have experienced tooth loss or damage. We install dental crowns and bridges and can even fit patients for dentures. Since gum disease is a common and severe oral condition, we invest in procedures to help our patients overcome its devastating effects like laser and restorative dentistry.

Infinite Smiles also treats conditions that aren’t directly related to the mouth. We provide solutions to migraines and sleep apnea as well. 

We know that your oral health affects how the rest of your body performs. So if you want a dentist in Powell that cares about your overall well-being, we’re the one! 

The Powell Dentist That Makes a Difference

Dental procedures have the power to restore a person’s mouth to its original function and a patient’s life to normal. Take Asha, for example. She was told at 30 that she needed braces. Her smile was off, and her self-esteem was down. Asha was even more disappointed when an orthodontist told her it would take two years for her teeth to be straightened! 

Once Asha sat down with Dr. Patel at Infinite Smiles, she got the reassurance she needed that enhancing her smile wouldn’t be a hassle. Using the Damon System, an alternative to tooth extraction, Asha’s bite and smile were restored in less than a year. Now, she looks in the mirror and talks to others with confidence! You can read other reviews for the variety of services Dr. Patel and his team successfully provide to patients every day. 

Infinite Smiles offers a level of expertise and care like no one else. Dr. Neal Patel travels the world teaching other dentists how to use the latest dental technology. They are more than experts, they will also make sure you are comfortable. Let Infinite Smiles help you move towards the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted. Don’t wait to take that first step toward the smile you’ve always wanted. Call us today at 740-881-2600 or use our online form to schedule an appointment. 


Monday, February 11, 2019

Don’t Wait! Your Chipped Tooth Needs the Care of an Emergency Dentist

Having chipped teeth can be an uncomfortable feeling, and it can be caused by anything from an accident to chewing hard candy. But did you know it could fall under emergency dental care? Considering the risks to your health that are involved if the crack is not addressed, you should talk to your dentist about potential repairs. See an emergency dentist in Powell, Ohio such as Infinite Smiles for a range of options to get your smile and health back to normal. 

Call an Emergency Dentist if the Problem is Serious 

If you have a broken or chipped tooth, and you’re experiencing serious pain or bleeding, you should see your nearest emergency dentist in Powell right way. It may seem like just a cosmetic problem at first but leaving your chipped tooth without adequate treatment can lead to further damage.

A larger crack requires immediate attention, especially if the living tissue inside the tooth is exposed. You’ll know if it’s exposed because you will be in severe pain. 

Though a simple filling may prove effective, a root canal or crown may be needed to save the tooth. An X-ray will determine the condition of the cracked tooth and the necessary procedure. Should the tissue inside (known as pulp) be damaged, then you will need to undergo a root canal. If the pulp isn’t damaged, then you might only require a crown to cover the chip and prevent bacteria from infecting your teeth, gums, or jaw. 

How Can You Treat a Cracked or Chipped Tooth?

You need to see a dentist to treat your chipped tooth. The first reason is to alleviate the pain, and the second is to treat any underlying infections that may have gained access to your tooth through the crack. By going to a dentist such as Infinite Smiles, a professional will smooth the chip out or use composite material to repair the tooth. 

Before your appointment, collect any large pieces of tooth that have broken off if possible. Then, gently rinse your mouth with warm water. If your crack or chip was caused by facial trauma, apply a cold compress to minimize swelling. If you are in a lot of pain, you can take an off-the-shelf pain killer. Do not apply topical over the counter relievers to your gum, as they can burn gum tissue. 

Don’t feel as if you can treat this on your own or ignore the crack. Visit an emergency dentist to repair your smile and avoid infection.

Infinite Smiles offers a level of expertise and care like no one else. Dr. Neal Patel travels the world teaching other dentists how to use the latest dental technology. They are more than experts, they will also make sure you are comfortable. Let Infinite Smiles help you move towards the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted. Don’t wait to take that first step toward the smile you have always wanted. Call us today at 740-881-2600 or use our online form to schedule an appointment.


Tuesday, January 15, 2019

What is Gum Recession & How Can You Treat It?

You are staring in the mirror asking yourself, "Are my gums receding?" It is a concern that seems to get worse over time. This phenomenon does nothing for the look of your smile. To make matters worse, you may be experiencing pain and bleeding from the gums. If this is the case, then you need to make an appointment with your dentist in Powell. The team at Infinite Smiles can help you figure out the root of the issue and will provide proper treatment to alleviate pain. But why does gum recession happen and how do you care for it? 

What Is Gum Recession?

Gum recession happens when the gum line begins to pull away from the teeth towards the roots of the teeth. If it continues to recede, the roots of the teeth could be exposed and open gaps that will be a breeding ground for bacteria, which will most likely lead to infection. If left untreated, supporting tissues and bone structure can become permanently damaged, and that may result in tooth loss. To avoid more severe oral conditions, you must brush carefully, floss regularly, and gently massage the gums nightly.

Why Do Gums Recede?

There are more reasons for receding gums than poor dental hygiene. Although periodontal disease is the main cause, you might be surprised that receding gums can be genetic, which would make someone predisposed to gum disease, regardless of how well a person cares for their teeth. Even brushing too hard can cause the enamel on your teeth to wear away and gums to recede. 

Hormonal fluctuations in female patients over their lifetime can make gums more sensitive and vulnerable to gum recession. Also, tobacco products leave a sticky plaque on the teeth that is difficult to remove and can cause gum recession. Lastly, grinding and clenching your teeth while you sleep, or at any other time, can place too much force on your teeth and result in gum recession. 

How Is Gum Recession Treated?

Mild gum recession may be treatable with a thorough cleaning of the affected area. Clearing stubborn tartar and in between the teeth may be all it takes for the gums to return to their original state. However, if this is not effective, surgery may be required to repair the damage. 

This procedure is called open flap scaling and root planing. A periodontist folds back the affected gum tissue and removes the harmful bacteria, then replaces the gum tissue over the root of the tooth. It effectively eliminates the pockets where bacteria were collecting. Other surgical procedures include soft tissue grafting. That may involve removing a portion of soft tissue from the palate and reattaching it to the affected area.

Prevention Should Be on Your Mind

Good dental hygiene comes first in the fight against receding gums. Daily brushing with a soft bristle toothbrush and careful flossing is essential. Also, eat a well-balanced diet and monitor any changes in your mouth. Regular visits your dentist in Powell at Infinite Smiles are also critical to keep your gums in great shape and to stay on top of any issues.

Infinite Smiles offers a level of expertise and care like no one else. Dr. Neal Patel travels the world teaching other dentists how to use the latest dental technology. They are more than experts, they will also make sure you are comfortable. Let Infinite Smiles help you move towards the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted. Don’t wait to take that first step toward the smile you have always wanted. Call us today at 740-881-2600 or use our online form to schedule an appointment.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Orthodontics Isn't Just for Teens; Adults Can Benefit Too!

We smile for many reasons. It could be because we are happy or amused. Whatever the case, your smile is something that should be with you for your entire life because one way or another, you will find a reason to smile. Now if you feel that, even as an adult, you aren't happy with your smile, then you should know that orthodontics is not just for adolescents. More and more adults are getting braces to correct the alignment of their teeth and make their smile all that it can be. A winning smile is a door opener for many of life's opportunities, and Infinite Smiles won't let misaligned teeth stand in your way!

Brace Yourself for Options

Do not think that we are still in the days of those less attractive metal braces. Things have changed, and now there are more options than ever before. Braces now come in a variety of colors and are much more reasonable in terms of care. While metal and wires are still an option, today's traditional braces are made from advanced materials and even can be virtually transparent. 

Invisible aligners are often the choice of many adult orthodontic patients. No more feeling self-conscious about improving your smile. Your orthodontist in Powell or a dentist near you will have information on all the options available. Infinite Smiles can help you find the right solution because you shouldn't be unhappy with your smile or your braces.

Innovative Technology

One of the more remarkable products offered today is Invisalign Invisible Braces. Hearing that they need braces, used to elicit feelings of fear in a patient. Now, with the help of 3D imaging, Invisalign creates braces that are practically unnoticeable. From a clear acrylic to mold, these braces are created all in one piece to the exact shape and size of your mouth, so you don't need to be concerned about frequent appointments for new, tighter wires. 

Also, you can look forward to less time spent in front of the mirror to remove bits of food in between wires and teeth. Invisalign allows you to feel like you don't have braces, and the aligners can even be taken out when you want and replaced later. (Keep in mind that results require aligners to be worn nearly all day.) That's right, whether you are sitting down for corn on the cob, doing your nightly brushing and flossing, or posing for a selfie while on vacation, you can remove the braces and be worry-free. 

Ask your orthodontist in Powell at Infinite Smiles about the options for straighter teeth! 

Infinite Smiles offers a level of expertise and care like no one else. Dr. Neal Patel travels the world teaching other dentists how to use the latest dental technology. They are more than experts, they will also make sure you are comfortable. Let Infinite Smiles help you move towards the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted. Don’t wait to take that first step toward the smile you have always wanted. Call us today at 740-881-2600 or use our online form to schedule an appointment.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Why is It Important to Have Regular Dental Cleanings & Exams?

When was the last time you went to see your dentist? Was it last month? Or was it last year? Procrastinating a dental cleaning or exam from your dentist in Powell only makes matters worse. You may be missing vital opportunities for your dentist to notice deteriorating oral conditions. Save yourself from worsening oral health and book your appointment with a skilled dentist at Infinite Smiles in Powell, Ohio. Regular check-ups and cleanings are the perfect way to ensure your teeth, gums, tongue, and jaw are in top shape. Here is a reminder of why it is essential to plan for a visit to a dentist in Powell every six months or so.

Plaque from Poor Dental Health

As you eat, sticky, semi-hard deposits build up on your teeth formed from various foods and the bacteria that are in our mouths. Bacteria then uses the plaque deposits as a breeding ground. They continue to multiply and eat away at the enamel of your teeth until cavities begin to form, and dentin can even be exposed. Plaque is also one of the main causes of bad breath, which only a good cleaning can resolve. At the gum line, tartar can build and be the cause of further problems such as gum disease. 

You Need a Checkup

Everyone dreads the checkup. Usually, it is because we don't know if the dentist will find issues or not. However, it is so vital to get a checkup every six months to avoid painful and costly procedures. It only takes about thirty minutes, for an examination and X-rays, to get peace of mind gained for another six months. You will leave the Infinite Smiles office with a clean bill of oral health.

Cleanings Are Essential

Getting your teeth cleaned typically requires a separate appointment, but there are some who prefer to get both a checkup and a cleaning in one session. During your cleaning, a hygienist removes any stubborn tartar build up in a process called scaling. After the tartar is removed, they will polish your teeth with a special brush tool and a gritty toothpaste. It will remove any surface stains. Lastly, a good flossing is performed to displace any debris that may still be in between your teeth.

As much as we dread going to the dentist, you will leave feeling refreshed. Infinite Smiles ensure every patient feels comfortable in our office, from the moment they enter until they leave. Book an appointment today to keep your oral health at its best!

Infinite Smiles offers a level of expertise and care like no one else. Dr. Neal Patel travels the world teaching other dentists how to use the latest dental technology. They are more than experts, they will also make sure you are comfortable. Let Infinite Smiles help you move towards the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted. Don’t wait to take that first step toward the smile you have always wanted. Call us today at 740-881-2600 or use our online form to schedule an appointment.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

What is the Difference Between Dental Implants and Dentures?

For one reason or another, you might find yourself in a biting predicament. It could be an unfortunate accident or complications with your teeth and gums, but in any case, you might wind up with missing teeth and need to make an important choice about what will sit in your mouth for the long term. Two primary options are dentures and dental implants. 

Dentures have been the mainstay for decades now. However, old technology comes with old complications. Some of which there is no new solution for. Dental implants, on the other hand, are still advancing and have already made a significant impact on how dentists think about replacing lost teeth. Infinite Smiles has the options you need to fill in the gaps of one or many teeth. So, let's take a brief but critical look at both solutions.

The Denture Dilemma

It is a safe bet to say that most people know, or at least have met, someone who wears dentures. It may not be as easy to tell as it used to be, but the signs are there, nevertheless. For example, if you see someone with a nearly perfect row of unnaturally white teeth then there is a good chance, they are wearing dentures.

Dentures can be a more affordable option up front. However, when you account for the cost of taking care of your dentures and needing them replaced every 15 years, that perceived savings then vanishes. Dentures can also feel unnatural in the mouth, often slipping and moving around. If the foul taste of denture cream does not appeal to you, then you should also know that not having rooted teeth in your gums means continued jawbone deterioration and degradation of facial structure. 

Dentures are an old technology whose time has come and gone. There is a better long-term solution though.

Dental Implants Save Smiles

Dental implants are fast becoming the defacto solution for smile reconstruction, and the experts at Infinite Smiles in Powell, Ohio improve smiles with this solution every day. Implants outshine dentures in almost every aspect. 

Dental implants are a far more permanent solution that demands far less bother and maintenance than dentures. Implants provide the closest comparison to healthy, natural teeth. They are a match for the appearance and strength of real teeth, allowing you the freedom to eat whatever you want with confidence. Since dental implants are rooted into the jaw as your natural teeth would be, there is no jawbone degradation to worry about. 

Implants Are the Closest Thing to Real Teeth

Installed with titanium screws and capped with porcelain teeth, dental implants are the closest thing to real teeth. They are durable but not wholly indestructible. Dental implants require care to ensure that they will last for years. You still must brush and floss them, not unlike your natural teeth. With proper care, you may never need a replacement or adjustment, and your implants could last the rest of your life.

Infinite Smiles offers a level of expertise and care like no one else. Dr. Neal Patel travels the world teaching other dentists how to use the latest dental technology. They are more than experts, they will also make sure you are comfortable. Let Infinite Smiles help you move towards the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted. Don’t wait to take that first step toward the smile you have always wanted. Call us today at 740-881-2600 or use our online form to schedule an appointment.