Tuesday, January 1, 2019

What is the Difference Between Dental Implants and Dentures?

For one reason or another, you might find yourself in a biting predicament. It could be an unfortunate accident or complications with your teeth and gums, but in any case, you might wind up with missing teeth and need to make an important choice about what will sit in your mouth for the long term. Two primary options are dentures and dental implants. 

Dentures have been the mainstay for decades now. However, old technology comes with old complications. Some of which there is no new solution for. Dental implants, on the other hand, are still advancing and have already made a significant impact on how dentists think about replacing lost teeth. Infinite Smiles has the options you need to fill in the gaps of one or many teeth. So, let's take a brief but critical look at both solutions.

The Denture Dilemma

It is a safe bet to say that most people know, or at least have met, someone who wears dentures. It may not be as easy to tell as it used to be, but the signs are there, nevertheless. For example, if you see someone with a nearly perfect row of unnaturally white teeth then there is a good chance, they are wearing dentures.

Dentures can be a more affordable option up front. However, when you account for the cost of taking care of your dentures and needing them replaced every 15 years, that perceived savings then vanishes. Dentures can also feel unnatural in the mouth, often slipping and moving around. If the foul taste of denture cream does not appeal to you, then you should also know that not having rooted teeth in your gums means continued jawbone deterioration and degradation of facial structure. 

Dentures are an old technology whose time has come and gone. There is a better long-term solution though.

Dental Implants Save Smiles

Dental implants are fast becoming the defacto solution for smile reconstruction, and the experts at Infinite Smiles in Powell, Ohio improve smiles with this solution every day. Implants outshine dentures in almost every aspect. 

Dental implants are a far more permanent solution that demands far less bother and maintenance than dentures. Implants provide the closest comparison to healthy, natural teeth. They are a match for the appearance and strength of real teeth, allowing you the freedom to eat whatever you want with confidence. Since dental implants are rooted into the jaw as your natural teeth would be, there is no jawbone degradation to worry about. 

Implants Are the Closest Thing to Real Teeth

Installed with titanium screws and capped with porcelain teeth, dental implants are the closest thing to real teeth. They are durable but not wholly indestructible. Dental implants require care to ensure that they will last for years. You still must brush and floss them, not unlike your natural teeth. With proper care, you may never need a replacement or adjustment, and your implants could last the rest of your life.

Infinite Smiles offers a level of expertise and care like no one else. Dr. Neal Patel travels the world teaching other dentists how to use the latest dental technology. They are more than experts, they will also make sure you are comfortable. Let Infinite Smiles help you move towards the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted. Don’t wait to take that first step toward the smile you have always wanted. Call us today at 740-881-2600 or use our online form to schedule an appointment.

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