Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Restore Your Health with Bone Grafting Oral Surgery

When you hear bone grafting oral surgery, it sounds intimidating. The truth is, it’s a minor procedure that a qualified oral surgeon in Powell can complete, and it doesn’t take a lot of time. When your jawbone needs repair or restoration, bone grafting is a reliable surgery used to treat injuries, extractions, or gum disease. Infinite Smiles recommends that you consider these factors regarding bone grafting as a way to treat the discomfort or misalignment of your jaw. 

What is Bone Grafting? 

Also known as regenerative surgery, bone grafting is an oral surgery used to build up bone structure when you have missing teeth. It is primarily used when preparing patients for dental implants. 

Once you’ve lost teeth, the jawbone recedes, leading to a weakened mouth structure from the tooth to the gums. Bone grafting not only restores the bone itself but the bones surrounding the gum. Once that restoration takes place, the jawbone has enough sturdiness to hold the titanium-based dental implants. From there, the new set of teeth can be installed without issue. 

How is Bone Grafting Completed?

The procedure usually includes harvesting bone material from another part of your jaw or body and transplanting it into the jawbone. This bone can be taken from your hip or tibia. In some cases, an oral surgeon may obtain bone from a cadaver source or animal source to replace the bone. It usually takes months for the transplanted bone to grow enough new bone so that dental implants can be supported. 

After implant surgery, you can expect a few months to fully heal. But you’ll have a vastly improved jaw and smile. Implants are built from strong metal, so they can last a lifetime.

Following the oral surgery, you may experience typical discomfort in the early stages such as gum or skin swelling, bruising, or minor bleeding. Furthermore, you might get diet instructions, such as eating soft food while the mouth heals. 

While the procedure itself is considered minor, it should only be performed by a well-trained and well-practiced professional. 

Infinite Smiles offers a level of expertise and care like no one else. Dr. Neal Patel travels the world teaching other dentists how to use the latest dental technology. They are more than experts, they will also make sure you are comfortable. Let Infinite Smiles help you move towards the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted. Don’t wait to take that first step towards the smile you have always wanted. Call us today at 740-881-2600 or use our online form to schedule an appointment. 

Source: sdperio.com/what-to-expect-from-bone-grafting-for-dental-implants/

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