Friday, December 28, 2018

What is Oral Surgery?

There is a point where conventional dentistry treatment will not be enough. You might be in a situation where you require surgery - oral surgery to be precise. What is oral surgery? Oral surgery resolves injuries or issues in the head, neck, face, jaws and may include both hard and soft tissues. To become an oral surgeon, one must obtain a four-year graduate degree in dentistry and then complete a four-year hospital oral and maxillofacial surgery residency program.

Your family dentist in Powell will likely be the one to refer you to an oral surgeon. However, this does not necessarily mean that your dentist feels you have a case that is challenging, it merely means that there is a specialized surgeon who can better treat your particular needs. Consult your dentist at Infinite Smiles to assess your condition and discuss next steps regarding oral surgery. 

When Is Oral Surgery Necessary?

You may be asking yourself why your dentist feels a referral for oral surgery is necessary. After all, we aren't talking about filling a cavity or even being fitted for braces here. In truth, you might need oral surgery for something as common as dental implants, bridges, or crowns.

Other more serious issues can include the removal of a cyst or tumor that is lodged in the jaw. A referral can be for either cosmetic or for reconstruction needs. It is typically up to your dentist when oral surgery is necessary, but there are also times when the hospital may call in for an oral surgeon in extreme cases when there has been an accident involving an impact to head or face.

Things You Might Need Oral Surgery For

You might be surprised at the number of issues that call for oral surgery. The following are a few of the more common reasons to receive oral surgery: 

- Your wisdom teeth may come in perfectly fine, or you might not have any at all. However, sometimes wisdom teeth come in crooked or even misaligned with your molars. Given that your wisdom teeth are at the very back of your mouth and rooted so deeply, surgery may be required to correct them or even remove them entirely.

- It is possible that a person was in an accident that misaligned their jaw, or they may have been born with it out of place. This condition can affect appearance and speech.

- A cleft lip or palate can form early in a fetus. Some live with this condition through to adulthood. Given the latest advances in surgical techniques, it is not uncommon to opt for reconstructive surgery.

- Cancer in the face, jaw, or neck area will call for oral surgery to treat the affected area.

- Sleep apnea goes untreated in many cases because the patient does not realize they have it. Sometimes, after a proper diagnosis, an oral surgeon can repair the obstruction that may be causing the condition.

Talk to Your Dentist in Powell 

If you or a loved one are living with pain or suffering from an oral condition, it is a good idea to talk to a dentist at Infinite Smiles in Powell, Ohio. Some issues can go undiagnosed and become a far worse issue if not dealt with. Our staff welcome new patients and are prepared to inform you of the potential oral surgery options you might need.

Infinite Smiles offers a level of expertise and care like no one else. Dr. Neal Patel travels the world teaching other dentists how to use the latest dental technology. They are more than experts, they will also make sure you are comfortable. Let Infinite Smiles help you move towards the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted. Don’t wait to take that first step toward the smile you have always wanted. Call us today at 740-881-2600 or use our online form to schedule an appointment.

Monday, December 24, 2018

When is a Toothache Cause to Visit an Emergency Dentist?

Let's face facts. No one really likes the idea of going to the dentist. We make excuses and procrastinate by telling ourselves we will call tomorrow. Many of us can admit we live with some sort of oral pain and just hope it goes away. If you're suffering from a persistently sore tooth, you should not ignore it. Visit your dentist in Powell, Ohio because it might even be an emergency case. 

There are times when there is no question about whether you should see an emergency dentist. Infinite Smiles offers emergency dental services to relieve patients of pain whenever a situation arises. But when do you know that it is time to rush to see an emergency dentist? Let's go through some of the critical signs.

Extreme Pain

Pain can be the first indication that something is wrong. However, pain can be a sliding scale. Tooth pain can be mild and ever-present like an ache, or it can be sharp and intermittent. Acute and occasional pain can mean a cavity, especially when the pain steadily increases. That may be a case for an appointment, not an urgent visit. The worst tooth pain can come from an abscess - a very painful infection. In this instance, you will experience severe pain coming from the infected tooth and even the jaw. There will be no doubt that you need an emergency dentist, and the tooth may need to be removed entirely.

Why So Sensitive?

Lots of people suffer from sensitive teeth. And the solutions could be to stop consuming so much sugar, to drink more water, or to step up your oral hygiene routine. But in other cases, you may be feeling painful sensations in your teeth consistently, not just when hot or cold substances enter your mouth. The pain and discomfort can be an indication of a cavity, decaying teeth, or an abscessed tooth. In the last case, it qualifies as a dental emergency.

Loose Adult Tooth

If your toothache is coming from a loose tooth, it may indicate some serious issues. Persistent bleeding of the gums and loose feeling teeth can be a sign of advanced gum disease. Periodontal disease is certainly a case for seeing an emergency dentist. There are various treatment options, but this will depend on how far the condition has developed.

Severe Bad Breath

There are rare cases when pain is not the most prominent problem. Extremely bad breath along with a terrible taste in the mouth can also be a sign of an abscessed tooth. When a tooth is infected, toxins are emitted from the tooth itself, resulting in that bad taste and smell. If you have these symptoms, severe pain may be just around the corner. An emergency dentist at Infinite Smiles might be able to provide treatment options that could spare your tooth.

Infinite Smiles offers a level of expertise and care like no one else. Dr. Neal Patel travels the world teaching other dentists how to use the latest dental technology. They are more than experts, they will also make sure you are comfortable. Let Infinite Smiles help you move towards the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted. Don’t wait to take that first step toward the smile you have always wanted. Call us today at 740-881-2600 or use our online form to schedule an appointment.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Here’s What Infinite Smiles Orthodontics in Powell Can Do for You

Orthodontic treatment involves evaluating and preventing or correcting irregularities in the mouth. Individuals suffering from crooked teeth or misaligned jaws usually seek orthodontic care. By receiving an assessment from an orthodontist in Powell, Ohio, you will know whether orthodontic treatment is ideal for you.

Infinite Smiles provides corrective care to individuals who want to improve their smile. If you are looking for an orthodontist in Powell, this article offers information detailing what oral conditions are helped by orthodontics and the benefits of such care.

Which Oral Irregularities Require Orthodontic Treatment?

An orthodontist's primary focus is to recognize oral problems and find solutions to improve the comfort of their patients. Conditions such as overbites, underbites, crooked or compacted teeth, irregular jaws, and other issues are assessed and diagnosed by an orthodontist. After your diagnosis, your orthodontist or dentist can recommend potential treatments to address the problem areas.

What Will Happen If My Oral Issues Are Left Untreated? 

Underbites, overbites, overcrowded teeth, and other oral concerns can cause pain and other issues in not only your mouth but other areas of the body. If you ignore the areas that require orthodontic attention, the severity of the problem will increase over time.

Malformations of the teeth and jaw can also impair your ability to clean your mouth properly. Brushing, flossing, and maintaining your oral hygiene become difficult as misaligned teeth make it impossible to reach between packed teeth. Without proper cleaning, tartar, plaque, and bacteria will accumulate, and they can all lead to periodontal disease, infections, and other oral health conditions.

What Are My Options for Orthodontic Care? 

Contacting an orthodontist in Powell is the first step to discovering your options for orthodontic care. By speaking with a professional that is trained in this field of dentistry, they can offer you more information on the treatments available and the best course of action for your case. With their level of expertise and dedication to improving your smile, you will receive the professional treatment that is required to successfully straighten your teeth or realign your jaw.

Infinite Smiles Helps Patients Improve Their Smile 

If you have been searching for a "dentist near me" and are looking for a dentist that provides outstanding care, contact the office of Infinite Smiles. We offer solutions to help patients straighten their teeth so that they can be free of pain and regain their confidence. Come see us for all your braces options, including invisible aligners. Contact Infinite Smiles today and get that gorgeous smile you deserve.

Infinite Smiles offers a level of expertise and care like no one else. Dr. Neal Patel travels the world teaching other dentists how to use the latest dental technology. They are more than experts, they will also make sure you are comfortable. Let Infinite Smiles help you move towards the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted. Don’t wait to take that first step toward the smile you have always wanted. Call us today at 740-881-2600 or use our online form to schedule an appointment.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Have Missing Teeth? Dental Implants Are the Solution for You!

The absence of one tooth or more can happen for an array of reasons. One of the common causes is tooth decay. Unfortunately, missing a tooth or a set of teeth can affect how a person consumes food, speaks, smiles, or even looks, which can be painful and lead you to feel embarrassed or uncomfortable in social settings.

If you are interested in getting dental implants in Ohio to replace decayed or missing teeth, read on to find out how Infinite Smiles can help you!

What Causes Missing Teeth? 

You may be missing teeth due to an accident, severe injury, gum disease, or deteriorating teeth. These teeth may have fallen out on their own from rot or an impact, or a dentist may have pulled them because of decay or infection.

There are also genetic disorders that can lead to missing teeth. Hypodontia is a disorder where a couple of teeth do not grow in. Oligodontia is more extreme and occurs when six teeth or more fail to develop. Finally, anodontia refers to the absence of all teeth in the mouth. A variety of other conditions such as malocclusion, which may be hereditary, can also be the cause of missing teeth.

Why Should I Replace Missing Teeth? 

Replacing missing teeth is critical. A lack of teeth can cause receding gums and a deficient jaw bone. When this happens, the teeth in the most affected areas lose their strength. The shape of your mouth and face is also noticeably affected.

Can Dental Implants Help with Missing Teeth? 

Dental implants are teeth replacements that are remarkable for their ability to match the appearance and function of natural teeth. When you get dental implants in Powell, you receive a sturdy tooth that is rooted in your jawbone. Dental implants are effective solutions to help people restore their smile after suffering from missing teeth, pain in their mouth, and poor oral health.

Infinite Smiles Can Help You 

Infinite Smiles is a reputable dental clinic, offering dental implants in Powell and the surrounding areas. With the expertise of Dr. Neal Patel, his team of professionals, and state of the art technology, Infinite Smiles is equipped to perform an array of complete dental restoration services. For more information on whether dental implants may be right for you, or if you require more information on our services, contact us.

Infinite Smiles offers a level of expertise and care like no one else. Dr. Neal Patel travels the world teaching other dentists how to use the latest dental technology. They are more than experts, they will also make sure you are comfortable. Let Infinite Smiles help you move towards the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted. Don’t wait to take that first step toward the smile you have always wanted. Call us today at 740-881-2600 or use our online form to schedule an appointment.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Do You Suffer from Jaw Pain? Get TMD Treatment from a Dentist in Powell, Ohio

Chronic pain in the jaw can be incredibly uncomfortable, and many people suffer from it. The most common cause of jaw pain is temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD), which affects the joint of your jaw. Many individuals suffering from this condition are often unaware of its existence. However, a professional that has been trained to identify the symptoms of TMD can offer a diagnosis. Fortunately, with the expertise of Dr. Neal Patel at Infinite Smiles, individuals can receive the care they need to alleviate the discomfort of TMD.

What Is TMD?

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a fibrocartilaginous structure that connects the lower jaw to the skull, and it is located on either side of the jaw. When the TMJ is operating efficiently, it promotes smooth movements of the joint. When there is an issue with this structure, you experience temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD). The result is limited jaw movement, such as difficulty or pain when opening, closing, chewing, yawning, or performing any other normal function with the mouth.

What Are the Causes of TMD? 

TMD can be caused by trauma either from grinding, clenching teeth or external factors, like an accidental impact to the jaw.

Grinding or Bruxism 

Ongoing grinding of teeth, usually in times of stress or sleep, can pose a severe problem. Persistent movements of this nature that involve the use of chewing muscles can cause swelling and muscle spasms as well as bone pain.

Clenching Teeth

Continuous biting or tightening of the jaw due to poor oral habits, such as biting fingernails, can also bring on TMD. Non-stop use of this joint, especially pounding and clenching movements can affect how the TMJ functions.

Sudden Trauma

Physical injury to the jaw, resulting in fractures or dislocation of the jaw or TMJ, can cause pain.

Other elements can also have an impact on the TMJ. Infections, cancer, congenital disabilities, arthritis, and other ailments that cause inflammation or abnormalities can lead to TMD.

What Are the Symptoms of TMD? What Treatments Are Available?

Typical symptoms of TMD include pain in the face, ear, neck, back, or shoulders. You might also experience lockjaw, popping sounds in your jaw joints, headaches, and migraines after sleeping, tightening the jaw, or clenching. Damaged teeth from grinding is also a sign of TMD.

With the use of technology, Dr. Patel at Infinite Smiles can identify and diagnose TMD. BioPAK is a computerized tool that evaluates the condition of the jaw and its muscles. 

Based on your condition, Dr. Patel may recommend you get custom night guards. These mouthguards can help realign the jaw, and they are a great non-surgical treatment to alleviate pain and tension. Other corrective devices like an NTI-tss splint can be worn during the day to improve jaw positioning and pain. Since it is a muscle relaxer, Botox can also be used to relieve stress on the joints. 

Additional treatments can also be applied, but by contacting an Infinite Smiles dentist in Powell, Ohio, such as Dr. Neal Patel, you can receive the full care you need to treat and recover from your TMD pain.

Infinite Smiles Provides Treatment for TMD

If you live in Powell, Ohio and have been searching for a "dentist near me" that provides care to people suffering from jaw pain, migraines, and other discomforts, contact Infinite Smiles. We offer a wide range of services to help our patients reach optimal oral and overall health. 

Infinite Smiles offers a level of expertise and care like no one else. Dr. Neal Patel travels the world teaching other dentists how to use the latest dental technology. They are more than experts, they will also make sure you are comfortable. Let Infinite Smiles help you move towards the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted. Don’t wait to take that first step toward the smile you have always wanted. Call us today at 740-881-2600 or use our online form to schedule an appointment.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Why You Shouldn’t Hesitate to See an Emergency Dentist

A dental emergency is any situation that calls for urgent dental care. Persistent bleeding from the mouth and extreme pain from severe infection are examples that call for the attention of an emergency dentist. Most people do not realize that some dental issues can be life-threatening and require the immediate care of an emergency dentist.

As an emergency dentist in Powell, Ohio, Dr. Patel and the dental care experts at Infinite Smiles offer immediate services to those who require it. If you have a fractured tooth or are suffering from any form of swelling or oral pain, Infinite Smiles is here to help. 

What Are the Signs of an Oral Emergency?

If something in your mouth is causing extreme discomfort or pain, this is a clear indication that you need to seek immediate help. Some examples that require the care of an emergency dentist include:

  • Intense or ongoing aches or pains in the mouth
  • Catastrophic loss of a tooth
  • Extreme swelling or damage to a tooth
  • An object lodged between teeth
  • Constant bleeding 
  • Damage to the gums, lips, or tongue

Which Events or Situations Can Cause These Oral Discomforts

The sudden loss of a tooth can result due to a car accident, sports injury, or any other harmful event. It can also result less suddenly from health issues such as severe periodontal disease or even oral cancer.

Persistent aches or pain can be caused by tooth decay, cavities, or infections that have not received recent care from a dentist.

Bacterial infections, gingivitis, a form of periodontal disease, and other extreme issues can result in swelling or constant bleeding from the mouth.

If any of these oral problems arise, it is imperative that you bring them to the attention of your emergency dentist in Powell, Ohio.

What Should I Do in a Dental Emergency?

If a dental emergency arises, the first thing to do is make sure you are safe from further injuries. Then, call your dentist as they can advise you on the best solutions to your crisis. They can also provide suggestions on the temporary solutions that can be implemented before arriving at the clinic. As an emergency dentist in Powell, Dr. Patel answers after-hours calls without hesitation. He is committed to providing urgent care to his patients when they need it. New or existing clients can receive the immediate treatment they need for their oral injuries at Infinite Smiles.

Infinite Smiles Provides Emergency Dental Care

Dental emergencies should not be taken lightly. Under the guidance and support of Dr. Neal Patel, the professionals at Infinite Smiles are happy to provide critical care to patients. We believe in supporting our patients and are willing to provide the complete care they need to recover from a dental emergency. If you are suffering from what you consider to be is a dental emergency, contact us right away for immediate assistance.

Infinite Smiles offers a level of expertise and care like no one else. Dr. Neal Patel travels the world teaching other dentists how to use the latest dental technology. They are more than experts, they will also make sure you are comfortable. Let Infinite Smiles help you move towards the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted. Don’t wait to take that first step toward the smile you have always wanted. Call us today at 740-881-2600 or use our online form to schedule an appointment.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Did You Know Your Powell Dentist Can Help with Snoring and Sleep Apnea Relief?

Sleep plays a significant role in your health. It gives the brain and various parts of the body time to recoup and repair. However, when your sleep is constantly interrupted by your inability to breathe or the loud vibrations emitted when you breathe, you could have a serious problem on your hands.

Sleep apnea and snoring are issues that affect many individuals while they rest. These two problems are closely related as one tends to influence the other. Dr. Neal Patel, a dentist in Powell, Ohio, offers sleep disorder treatments to help individuals improve their nightly routine and rest better. If you are a sufferer of either or both of these conditions, continue reading below to discover more about them and learn about the solutions Infinite Smiles has available. 

What Causes Snoring or Sleep Apnea?

While you sleep, your body and its various muscles relax. This reaction also causes the muscles in your throat to do the same. As this occurs, you breathe more deeply, and your throat vibrates. This vibration can increase in intensity depending on how constricted your throat or air passageway has become. In some situations, the airway becomes so narrow that it is obstructed, resulting in the inability to breathe for a period as you rest. This occurrence is known as sleep apnea. 

What Are the Symptoms of Sleep Apnea? 

There are a few tell-tale signs of sleep apnea, and the most recognized indicator is chronic snoring. However, this does not imply that everyone who snores has sleep apnea. Although, those who suffer from the condition tend to snore louder than usual. Other signs of sleep apnea include choking or gasping for air while sleeping, feeling tired and falling asleep during the day, as well as sinus problems or allergies. Some of the physical signs of sleep apnea include a large tongue, tonsils, and adenoids. 

How Can I Be Cured of Snoring and Sleep Apnea? 

There are two forms of sleep apnea. One is obstructive sleep apnea, which occurs while individuals are sleeping, and their airway becomes blocked. The other is central sleep apnea in which the brain is unable to communicate successfully with the throat muscles. Although different to some degree, sleep apnea of any form, along with snoring, can be treated.

Dr. Patel is a dentist in Powell, Ohio, who treats patients living in this region and the surrounding areas. He is trained to provide treatment to individuals suffering from these conditions. The Infinite Smiles team of professionals offer assessments to people suffering from snoring or sleep apnea. To further our findings, we send our patients to a sleep clinic to have their sleep patterns monitored. As an alternative to the clinic, you can receive an at-home device that tracks your sleep. Once we have gathered the necessary information about your condition, we can discuss treatment options.

If you live in Powell, Ohio, and have been looking online for a "dentist near me" to help you overcome your sleep disorder, then contact our team of experts. 

Infinite Smiles offers a level of expertise and care like no one else. Dr. Neal Patel travels the world teaching other dentists how to use the latest dental technology. They are more than experts, they will also make sure you are comfortable. Let Infinite Smiles help you move towards the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted. Don’t wait to take that first step toward the smile you have always wanted. Call us today at 740-881-2600 or use our online form to schedule an appointment.

Monday, December 10, 2018

How an Oral Surgeon in Powell Can Restore Your Smile

Have you been told that you need oral surgery? Oral surgery is a procedure that corrects diseases of the mouth and issues with your teeth or gums. It is generally performed in a dental office by a dentist or an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. This specialist has received sophisticated training and education in this field of dentistry and possesses the appropriate knowledge to perform these procedures. 

An oral surgeon in Powell, Ohio, can help individuals receive the care they need to resolve their oral issues. Infinite Smiles, a reputable dental clinic serving clients in Powell, Ohio, and surrounding areas, has dentists with the expertise to improve smiles. If you need oral surgery, continue reading this article for insight into who benefits from oral surgery and what you can expect from this corrective procedure. 

Why Would My Dentist Suggest Oral Surgery? 

There could be many reasons why a dentist would suggest oral surgery. The most common requirement is the removal of wisdom teeth or teeth that have become impacted. Additional causes for extraction can include fractured teeth, deteriorated teeth that cannot be repaired, and baby teeth that haven’t emerged or fallen out. Your dentist might also suggest surgery to replace missing adult teeth, such as dental implants.

The need for corrective jaw surgery could be due to trauma, difficulty chewing, or an incorrect bite. Overall, if you are diagnosed with a more serious tooth issue or jaw condition, then your dentist may advise surgical means to correct or restore your mouth.

What Can I Anticipate Before and After Oral Surgery?
Before receiving oral surgery, your dentist will advise some pre-surgical steps to ensure that the procedure goes smoothly. Before the surgery, you may receive medication or anesthesia. The type and number of operations performed on a patient will determine the duration of the surgery.

Once the surgery is complete, you may experience some discomfort due to swelling in the gums or muscles as well as general pain or pressure from the procedure itself. However, your oral surgeon in Powell will equip you with instructions on how to care for the surgical sites and how to manage pain. Medications may be prescribed to help you cope with the discomfort. Recovery time is dependent on the procedure that was performed.

Make sure to discuss all your options and what you should expect from surgery with your dentist so that you can be fully prepared.

Infinite Smiles Offers Sophisticated Dental Services 

As a dentist in Powell, Ohio, who has been practicing for many years, Dr. Neal Patel has the knowledge and skills to offer a variety of dental services. For individuals seeking to enhance their smile, Dr. Patel and his team at Infinite Smiles provide a safe environment for the oral surgery you need. Infinite Smiles has the trusted oral surgeon in Powell that you've been looking for. If you'd like more information on our services, contact our team.

Infinite Smiles offers a level of expertise and care like no one else. Dr. Neal Patel travels the world teaching other dentists how to use the latest dental technology. They are more than experts, they will also make sure you are comfortable. Let Infinite Smiles help you move towards the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted. Don’t wait to take that first step toward the smile you have always wanted. Call us today at 740-881-2600 or use our online form to schedule an appointment.